The Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) has initiated in partnership with the broadcasting channel Dobrogea TV, a TV Show called „Dobrogea Albastră” (“Blue Dobrogea”) that is dedicated to the promotion of Blue Growth initiative in the Dobrogea Region of Romania. The specific of this region is that it is surrounded by the Danube, Danube Delta and the Black Sea Coast, but also it is crossed by the Danube –Black Sea Canal.

The partnership has been initiated as an activity under the frame of Black Sea CONNECT Project, Task 4.2 – Black Sea Awareness & Outreach.

Black Sea CONNECT Project

Black Sea CONNECT is a coordination and support action which scientifically, technically, and logistically supports the Black Sea Blue Growth Initiative towards the implementation of the Burgas Vision Paper, with a view on boosting the blue economy in the region. The overall objective is to coordinate the development of the Black Sea SRIA and its implementation plan both at the national and regional levels. The Black Sea SRIA and its implementation plan will guide stakeholders to address together with the fundamental Black Sea challenges, to promote blue growth and economic prosperity of the Black Sea region, to build critical support systems and innovative research infrastructure, and improve education and capacity building. The current version of Black Sea SRIA is available here.

Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN)

The Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) is an initiative aiming the development of a collaborative platform between the universities from the Black Sea Region.

The network has the legal status of an international ad-hoc organization and has been established on the occasion of the 2nd Conference of the Black Sea Universities Rectors, held in Constantza between 9th and 12th of July 1998, on the premises of the “Ovidius” University of Constantza.

The network includes more than 120 member universities from the 12 member states of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraineand Serbia.